Une Soirée avec Coco Chanel
by Theatre LOTE Fantastique!
written & performed by Louise Hall
original direction by Kerry Casey with additional direction by Louise Hall
Explores how Chanel’s personal life influenced her work as a designer and business woman. Coco appears to the audience as a "Living legend" ie. someone who has already died but lives on in the world with "legendary" status. Be prepared to participate in the stories of this larger than life woman!
The Dilemma of Men
written by Genevieve Beverley & Petah Chapman
performed by Genevieve Beverley & Petah Chapman (vocals) with Stephen Cuttriss (piano)
MEN, we spend hours thinking about them, we create dramas surrounding them, we chase them ceaselessly, we love them, we hate them and we can't get enough of them. This is The Dilemma of Men. Two women, friends from childhood, meet in a bar after five years apart. Their life paths have taken them in different directions, one to a career and the other to a committed relationship. They have so much to catch-up on as they exchange their thoughts concerning love and life.
written & performed by Petah Chapman
Hailing from the rolling green hills of Far North Queensland, Petah Chapman has been training in Opera singing for four years but still retains her folk inspired songwriting style. She and her guitar will charm you with songs about moments of impact – the good and the bad.
performed by Tim Byrnes
Tim is weird. Very, very weird. But he’d like to become friends with you. All of you! Please play with Tim.
Bad Apples
by Clay English
"When Adam met Eve…"
Almost Perfect
conceived by Shanon Whitelock & Jessica Papst
music director: Shanon Whitelock
performed by Jessica Papst
Unless you have 1000 Twitter followers, you might as well forget it. Nina isn’t skinny/pretty/indie/experienced/young/old/symmetrical enough, but she’s really freakin' talented. Even so, she’s almost always never quite right. This industry can be a cruel mistress when you're almost perfect.
written by Belinda Hanne Reid
directed by Belinda Hanne Reid and Scott Hollingsworth
performed by Belinda Hanne Reid
Belinda is definitely a woman, but she isn't quite sure what that means. Join her as she takes a fun and poignant look at what it is to be ladylike (or not) in a post-Kardashian world.
Merry Fecking Christmas
by Underground Productions
written by Estelle Snowball
directed by Amie Rankin & Estelle Snowball
performed by Rebecca Condon, Rebecca Lamb, Ross Mcdonnell-Staff, Nicole Miller, Sarah Parkin & Trevor Sammon
The weather outside is frightful, and the fire is delightful. Another Christmas with the family where everyone has eaten too much and someone has just opened another whisky. However, when an unexpected guest arrives this will become a Christmas like no other before.
Triple Zero
by Conspire Isis Theatre Ensemble
written & directed by Natisha Strudwick
performed by Ruby Newport, Dianna Paddick & Eli Bryant
Police will be there soon… Hold on… Be strong…
by L. B. Franx
written, directed & performed by Lucy Hutton
This is a story about a girl imprisoned by her perceptions, attempting to numb them with solitude. But her fight for a comfortable survival is put to the test with every knock at the door from an unknown visitor.
In a Nutshell
by Spangled Aura Productions
written, directed & performed by Sarah Gooda & Chris Howard
Ben is in denial. At 25, he has gone through his adult life believing that girlfriends and jobs don't realise his potential. But when he goes to see a therapist, nothing is off limits, from his mother, to sex, to a very strange relationship with steak sandwiches.
Such an Innocent Face
by Purple Pear Productions
written & directed by Monette Lee
performed by Celina Maddison, Owen Green, Henry Lang, Isabel Yamazaki, Elle Ninness, & Oscar Allen
A body lies dead in a room, police and forensics arrive to investigate, and all seems to be straight-forward crime solving until the spiritual medium arrives and speaks to the ghost.
Climate Change
by Mark Andrew
directed by Terence Burns
performed by Charnstar Anderson, Dani Hahn & Alex Seager
What would you do if you won the lottery?
Morning Glory
by Mark Grzic
directed by Clay English
performed by Clay English, Jermia Turner, Brock Dunstan & Stacey De Waard
Josh cheats on his girlfriend with Tara. In the morning, his girlfriend arrives. A near-naked Tara gets thrown into housemate Matt's bedroom while Josh covers his tracks. Matt and Tara are forced to go along with Josh's story - though Matt questions Tara's choices in life.
A Play on Sayings
written by Adam Hasa
directed by Lachlan Dalby
assistant director: Adam Hasa
A fresh take on the incorporation of various phrases and sayings of the English language integrated into the day and life of a teenage boy in his dealings with friends and family.
Dwelling Divas
by Multiplay Entertainment
written & directed by Jodie-Joy
performed by Jodie-Joy & Kathleen Maloney
In this day and age many industry performers have a touch of the small poppy syndrome. From opera to popular stage tunes these dwelling divas fight it out. Theindustry has taught them to compete rather than collaborate, battling in song constantly for the lead role and their men! But will it end in another bitter vocal spat or will they learn to appreciatetheir differences and respect one another’s talents?
Love is the Drug
written by Margi & Rori Tudor
directed by Rori Tudor
performed by Margi Tudor & Rori Tudor
Iria, desperate to abandon her life as a madame in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, hires Verônica, a young woman with no future. The unlikely companionship of the two become thesaviour to their happiness.
Odd One Out
by Out One Out
with thanks to David Megarrity & Ellen-Rose Sorensen
performed by Simone Quaglia, Gabriella Quaglia, Daniel Quaglia & Rebecca Hull
Four piece newly established Brisbane band. They have always been an 'odd one out'. They may be odd but they are original, off-centre and nothing is off limits for these four offsiders.
RSVP by 30
written by Cassandra Croucher
musical director: Stephanie Lindsdell
performed by Cassandra Croucher & Stephanie Linsdell
Kate is rapidly approaching 30; and she’s totally OK with it. She’s not worried about the extermination of her supple skin and taut waistline. Giving up the free-range irresponsibility of her 20s to get married and have children-pffft- not even fazed. And she’s certainly not concerned about tonight hosting the biggest party she’s had since her 21st- where no one showed up. Yep…everything’s going to be just fine…
by Stephanie Taylor
directed by Danielle Carney
musical director: Matthew Samer
performed by Stephanie Taylor
Dianne married David. Dianne is not happy living out her life in their mansion. Dianne falls in love with Jimmy. A man so wonderfully funny, so perfectly cute, so talented with his Jerry Seinfeld impressions, she decides she will leave David to marry Jimmy. Sounds like the perfect new start for Dianne … if Jimmy wasn't a figment of her imagination.
It’s a Man’s World
by Kym Brown
performed by Kym Brown
When asked what voice type she is, Kym often replies: "Alto. Low Alto. Basically a Tenor." So what repertoire is a 'female tenor' supposed to legitimately sing? Pretty much 'old lady' roles. BORING. Let's face it: most of the best songs and roles in musical theatre belong to the men! Not anymore - Kym presents a whirlwind tour of some of the most iconic male songs, at pitch, and with all the sass only a woman can bring.
Being Jesus
by Delirium Comedy Group
performed by Chris Charteris, Michael Fowle, Adam Toolin & Paul Hewett
Jesus Christ is 23, living in Brisbane and currently unemployed. His roommate, Satan, has decided to throw him a special Christmas dinner and has invited some friends and family of Jesus's past over for dinner. Hilarity and chaos ensues as Jesus’ saint-like patience is wearing thin, proving that it’s really not easy being Jesus.
The Rise of Sir Edmund
written & directed by Pete Malicki
performed by Matt Thomson
Will Sir Edmund find the perfect word? Join him on his most famous expedition to find out.
by Sci Fi Theatre
written & performed by Shane McLennan
directed by Shelley Quinn
Set in the not-too-distant future after a global disaster, the last man on Earth battles marauding mutants and himself with his faithful companion – a taciturn mannequin named Em. When an old friend unexpectedly appears the man starts to question his sanity and reasons for survival.
Going Viral
written by Brandon M Crose
directed by Matt O’Neill
performed by Shanay De Marco, Benetta Duncan & Mollie Yang
Years ago, she was an internet superstar. Today, on her thirteenth birthday, her parents break the news to her.
written by Angeline Andrews
directed by Lauren Sherritt
performed by Kelsie McDonald & Mollie Yang
A shared story of love and loss told by three characters with heavy hearts and one choice to make.
To Write My Epitaph
by Robert Armstrong
directed by Jay Bloodsworth
performed by Joshua Parnell
"As a poet, I know it frankly might seem strange; to be called Edgar Allan, but that's just what I was named." Edgar grew up infinitely inspired by Poe, but would his love of the Master of Strange and Grotesque lead to his downfall?
Orgasma and the Intergalactic Sky Cock
directed by Regan Lynch
devised & performed by Ethan Dean, Conor Ensor, Hannah Grace Fulton, Laura Hague, Beth Incognito, & Kristian Santic
Orgasma and the Intergalactic Sky Cock is an explosion of camp and absurdity, following the trials and tribulations of Orgasma, a hysterical scientist who is caught in a mission to build a laser and shoot down a gargantuan penis-shaped asteroid that’s rocketing towards the planet.
You’re Driving Me Crazy
by Todd Wallinger
directed by Amy Clarke
performed by Daniel Hurst & Craig Wood
One sunny afternoon, the young and conscientious Tony waits patiently for his driving instructor...enter Mr Pinkley, the instructor from hell! Struggling with his own hidden agenda, Mr. Pinkley shares a disastrous lesson with Tony in a delightful comedy of errors, leaving the audience wondering who is teaching who?!
written & directed by Jessica Palfrey
performed by Phoebe Ballard, Kristen Barros, Bonnie Mullins, & Xanthe Jones voiceover by Patrick Aiken
For the last three years Ms Virginia Salisbury-Westcot and her standard poodle Queenie have been reigning champions at the Royal Annual Heathcoate Dog Show. But all that could change with the return of an old competitor, and her new prize-winning bitch. Perhaps old dogs can learn new tricks…
Captain Everything
by Pete Malicki
directed by Robbie Maher
assistant director: Brenton Smith
design by James Schofield
performed by Camillo Mack Maher DiPiero
Captain Everything explores the vast imagination of a young boys mind, as he pushes through hardships to save a lovely Princess. His journey is fantastic, funny and full of the excitement of youth. The reality however, is a harsh dark truth.
Dirty Sexy Politics
written, directed & performed by Samuel Valentine & Thomas Albert
Vaudevillian roustabouts Tom Albert and Sam Valentine announce their own candidacy for national leadership. Their platform: Unbridled chaos. With a plethora of instrumentsand frenzied enthusiasm, what sordid truths will they uncover? Like a suppository of wisdom, Dirty Sexy Politics will penetrate your defences and leave you gasping for more.
Thirty Year Old Child
written & performed by Judy Hainsworth
directed by Penny Farrow
musically arranged by James Dobinson
Through original song, this quirky comic cabaret explores how it feels when everyone else is growing up without you. What do you do when all of your friends are having babies and getting mortgages, while you are still waiting for puberty to start and don’t know exactly what a mortgage is?
Caramel at Best
written by Josh Daveta
directed by Kristen Barros
performed by Josh Daveta, Alex Feifers, Bronte Devine & Aurelie Roqué
"The thing about my baby, it don't matter if you're black or white..." is what Michael Jackson told us in the early ‘90s to let us know that it is okay to be one colour or the other but what about the person who is both? Is it okay to be both? Does it possibly mean that there are two people inside the one person? Does that equate to having multiple personalities?
by Joshua McCann Thomson & Ethan Jones
written & directed by Joshua McCann Thomson
lyrics & composition by Ethan Jones
performed by Clare Finlayson, Richard Meyers & Tom Markiewicz
Four of the world’s most historical figures rise from the dead for one more night of fantastic revelry and perfect regrets. An epic battle of celebrities and powerful martyrs; a toxic cocktail of love, lust and jazz hands. Witness William Shakespeare, Walt Disney and Joan of Arc storm the stage for one more night on earth. In the arena there can only one victor and the audience will decide who takes the crown.
The Woeful Tale of Mary Melody
by Underground Productions
choreographed by Jessica Palfrey & Bonnie Mullins
performed by Alice England & the company of Underground Productions
Set in the Old West, this movement piece follows the fall of the young and beautiful Mary Melody. Cast aside by her grand society, she walks the empty streetsalone, until finding refuge in a place where debauchery and danger await her…
by Egohuysen
written & directed by Reuben Witsenhuysen
with HopeOne Haami, Tim Winter & Bec Groves
performed by Bec Groves, HopeOne Haami & Reuben Witsenhuysen
Three Synapses connect and take a dive into ugly attraction. For now, their garb help hide some of their more sideways enjoyments; but when the hoods come off, these fevered egos dive down the throng hole.
An evening with a musical theatre junkie…
by Amy Church
performed by Amy Church
Amy has a secret. A dirty little secret. She's got a problem. She's addicted to all things show tunes and sparkles. Yes that's right she's a musical theatre junkie, looking for her next hit of fabulous! And tonight, this closet musical theatre geek is spilling the beans!
The Literary Monogamist
written by John Lombard
directed by Renee Hood
sound design by Cameron Swales
performed by Ben Martin, Lachlan Dalby, Shanay De Marco & Kyle Barrett
Susan is a literary monogamist. She has obsessively read the same book over and over since high-school. Now, the characters have had enough and they (along with some other sympathetic idols) craft a plan to get Susan to move on with her life.
Late for School
written by Iain Moss
directed by Samantha Smith
Late for School tells the story of a young woman who reflects on the day’s events that have led to an unfortunate incident.
Crossbow Cat
written by Abby Howells
directed by Ron Seeto
performed by Corrine Fixter & David Tewksbury
At the age of 19, Wesley Smith accidentally hit a cat with a crossbow. Several years later, Cinnamon the cat appears in Wesley's apartment, still alive, still wounded and armed with a crossbow. The time for vengeance has finally arrived.
1 to 10
by Rocket Boy Ensemble
written & directed by Ella Gordon
associate director: Danielle Carney
production designer: Dylon King
performed by Emily Carr, Kristen Barros & Estelle Snowball
There are the times in your life when you feel like you’re going insane. And then there are the times when you actually are. When you’re getting several hundred watts of electricity surged into your brain three times a week, it’s most likely that you actually are.
written by Richard Graham
directed by Sahn Millington
performed by Peter Morris & Alizon Vosburgh
Jim was about to throw his marriage away when circumstances find him needing his best friend and his family. Married for many years, Jim andBeth find themselves with a new challenge and a new journey to embark on. Will they make it?
written by Alex Broun
directed by Camilla Nicole Niebling
technical advisor: Luki Nally
performed Chelsea Indiana, Chantelle Gardiner, Donna Gomez, Stacey de Waard & Lewis Edwards
A verbatim text, compiled from the real stories of sexual abuse victims. Five people come together to share their stories, voice their pain and that there is always hope afterwards... PLEASE NOTE: Deals with strong issues of sexual violence. Stories taken from the website Escaping Hades: Pandora's Aquarium with the names being changed.
The Runaways
devised by Sampson Smith, Sam Whatley, Sarah Stafford & William Pyke
directed by Sampson Smith
performed by Sam Whatley, Sarah Stafford & William Pyke
Oddball triplets Isabella, Eric and Gerard welcome you to a very important night. Songs will be sung, letters will be read and the search for a miracle begins.
The Catalogue Life
written & directed by Alexandra Hines
performed by Alexandra Hines, Samuel Boyd & Nicholas K. Watson
After briefly reigniting their passion in a cupboard, a couple find themselves locked inside IKEA with nothing but a pair of gardening gloves, a wedding to cancel and no way out.
by Elise Greig
directed by Samira Wyld
performed by Susan Stenlake
Brisbane is under water, rivers swell and threaten to burst their banks. In a state of shock, a woman navigates her way home through closed roads, while life is fading from her fathers eyes. Chaos threatens her choices while personal loss floods her from within.
by Russell Bell
directed by Brenna Lee-Cooney
performed by Lizzie Ballinger & Crystal Arons
A woman finds herself in trouble when meeting up with her secret lover at a café. The strange waiter happens to have added her as a friend on Facebook and before long, the power of social media threatens any chance of a private encounter.
Obsessions of a Control Freak
written by Belinda Raisin
directed by Bridget Boyle
musical director: Jen Teh
accompanied by Jamie The
performed by Belinda Raisin
F$%k the flow; embrace control. Our favourite control freak is back to share the secrets of success! From Kim Kardashian to The Wiggles, Frances has been mentored by the most successful people in the world. Is this perfection or has she finally lost the plot in her own overplotted story?
I Can Keep A Secret
by Babushka
performed by Alicia Cush, Bethan Ellsmore, Arlie McCormick, Judy Hainsworth & David Law
Join Babushka in a confessional box for an excerpt of their sell-out Queensland Cabaret Festival musical celebration of salacious secrets revealed in comedic four-part harmony. Gallivanting through a far-wondering songbook, these femme fatales smash Kylie with Carmen and Wagner with Billy Idol to createtheir own brand of quirky cabaret.
Hot, steamy and live: Erotic Readings
by Nicholas K. Watson
performed by Nicholas K. Watson
Nicholas K. Watson- he's been alive for 22 years and for 22 of those years his one dream and sole ambition has remained the same: to read filthy rendered erotic prose to an adoring audience. He's suffered for his art- now it's your turn.
Hardly the Portrait of a Lady
by NBDILM Productions
directed by Catarina Hebbard
accompanist / musical director: Heidi Loveland
musical director: James Dobinson
arrangements by James Dobinson & Luke Volker
performed by Cienda McNamara
As a little girl, Cienda dreamed of becoming a star. But that dream started to crumble as her rivalry with ‘Frizzy’ intensified, leaving behind her a trail of failed auditions, stage accidents and being stuck naked in a bathroom. This comedic cabaret combines hilarious storytelling, tongue-in-cheek multimedia, reworked pop-songs and epic musical theatre-style numbers to reveal what it’s really like to be a second-choice red head in the cutthroat world of show business.
Grey Fingers
written & directed by Pete Foley
dramaturgy by Dave Burton
performed by Tom Markiewicz
Part of the larger folklore / monster project named The New Pantheon, Grey Fingers is a one-woman show hosted by the melancholic, bearded queen, Bâton Blanche. It is a surreal and macabre tale of girls' hearts and the monsters who covet them.
by PHP Company
written, directed, choreographed & designed by Paul Hourigan
performed by Alinta McGrady, Asher Bowen-Saunders, Lachlan Dalby & Paul Hourigan
…who says you can’t swing both ways?
Painted Love
by Nadia Vanek
performed by Nadia vanek, Conor Ensor & Tim Hondroudakis
In a society where the dating culture is non-committal and expectations are lowered or not met, one has to wonder what it takes for a woman to hold a man down? Baring all may not always be the answer. A cabaret featuring a medley of pop culture love songs and a strip teasewhere the participants cover up instead of strip down...