Top 20 - Week One (Tuesday 6th August – Friday 9the August 7.30pm)
House of Cats by Margaret Allen (ACT). Directed by Simon Witford.
Company: somepeopledance
Cast: Margaret Allen
Level 2 by Mike McRae (ACT). Directed by Remy Graham.
Cast: Alex Rouse, Nick Elmitt, Judith Peterson, Jade Chan
10 Minute Mystery by Nigel Palfreman (ACT). Directed by Liz de Totth.
Cast: Paul Jackson
Night Watch by Debbie Stephan (ACT). Directed by Cara Jeffery.
Cast: Dan Halpin, Liliana Bogatko
The Luck of the Irish by Harriet Elvin (ACT). Directed by Paul Hutchison.
Cast: Nikki-Lyn Hunter, Shivangi Nayyar, Paul Hutchison
Blabbermouth by Cerise de Gleder (Vic). Directed by Tom O’Neill.
Cast: Alex Rouse, Scott Rutar, Monica Styles
Duplo’s Revenge by Melissa Gryglewska. Directed by Melisa Gryglewska.
Company: Space
Cast: Mila Durhberry, Ben Harris, Matt Perry
Reading Lamouche by Finnius Teppett (NZ). Directed by Ryan Pemberton.
Cast: Brendan Kelly, Jessica Waterhouse, Stevan Savic, Colin Giles, Kristin Louise
Here to Serve You by Barbara Lindsay (USA). Directed by Arne Sjostedt.
Cast: Shane Stark, Georgia Pelle, Bryan Pike
Ten Years On by Amelia Luscombe (Vic). Directed by Heidy Perri.
Cast: Elaine Noon, Adam Salter, Dayne Spencer
Wildcards (Saturday 10th August 2.30pm/7.30pm)
Facebook or Face Me by Heidi Silbermann (ACT). Directed by Heidi Silberman.
Company: Spark
Cast: Sarah Truesdale, Megs Skillicorn
Written in Stone by Evan Croker (ACT). Directed by Evan Croker.
Company: Amazon Entertainment
Cast: Adam Salter, Cara Jeffery, Wayne Shepherd, Ian Crocker
Remember by Heidy Perri (ACT). Directed by Arne Sjostedt.
Cast: Kristin Louise, Lucy Bates
The Bra in the Car by Heidi Silberman (ACT). Directed by Melissa Gryglewska.
Cast: Cara Jeffrey, Tim Maloney, Sam Bilten-Simek, Lynn Peterson
Guided by Voices by Mark Konik (ACT). Directed by Cara Matthews.
Cast: Jeremy Strasser, Dan Halpin
The Blue Balloon by Angie Farrow (NZ). Directed by Tanya Gruber.
Cast: Don Smith, Catherine Van Mort, Jonathan Garland, Jade Chan,
Murray Holdom, Atiana Cansdell, Jess Waterhouse, Steve Collett
Thirsty Rats by Spiros Althanasiadis (Vic). Directed by Katie Woodward.
Cast: Ben Drysdale, Patrick Shields, Josh Inman, Ashleigh Walker
The Letter Q devised by the company (ACT). Directed by Jeff Young and Nick Anyos.
Company: Child Players ACT (Winners Fast+Fresh 2013).
Cast: Jemma Collins, Kitty Malam, Oliver Simonetti , Lachlan Bryant,
Jaslyn Mairs Oliver Durbidge, Emily Nicholls, Claire Bailey, Zoe Swan,
Jemma Harrison
Advanced by Michael Cooper (USA). Directed by Martina Donker.
Cast: John Lombard, Cara Matthews, Ben Harris
Top 20 – Week Two (Tuesday 12th August – Friday 16th August 7.30pm)
Therapist by John Lombard (ACT). Directed by John Lombard.
Company: 10/6 Productions
Cast: Elaine Noon, Paul Jackson
Abel C Mann, Processed Off Shore by Trevar Chilvar (ACT). Directed by Trevar Chilvar.
Company: Big Burley Fish
Cast: Kristin Louise, Arianna Lindley, Brendan Kelly, Neil Parikh
Vanity Insanity by Ruth Pieloor (ACT). Directed by Catherine Hagerty.
Cast: Ruth Pieloor
The Boat by Jasper Burfoot (ACT). Directed by Jasper Burfoot.
Company: Boat
Cast: John Rogers, Shane Stark
Last Drinks by Greg Gould (ACT). Directed by Margaret Allen.
Company: Blemish Productions
Cast: Caroline O’Brien, Jett Black
I Have a Plan… the Battle for Canberra by Hal Judge (ACT). Directed by Liliana Bogatko.
Cast: Rob Defries, Margaret Allen, Steve Barker, Ben Drysdale, Don Smith
A Dim Light by Trevar Chilver (ACT). Directed by Evan Croker.
Cast: Liliana Bogatko, Rina Onorato, Katarina Thane, Tony Cheshire
Checkout by Pete Maliki (NSW). Directed by Pete Maliki.
Company: Thank you for shopping at…
Cast: Alison Albany, Rosemary Ghazi, Karina Bracken, Nic Verhoeven
Good Cop Mad Cop by Paulene Turner (NSW). Directed by Tom O’Neill.
Cast: Helen Way, Jonathan Garland
Bendigo Banjo Sails the Day by Paul Hutchison (ACT). Directed by Kate Gaul.
Cast: Ryan Pemberton, Judith Peterson, Cara Matthews, Paul Hutchison, Elizabeth Lamb
Gala (Presentation of most outstanding work as selected by audience and local judges)
Saturday 17th August 2.30pm + 7.30pm
Announced on the evening of Friday 16th August.
For further information contact Kate Gaul – kate@shortandsweet.org