Sydney Theatre Company presentsENDGAMEBy Samuel Beckett
The end is in the beginning and yet you go on
With Waiting for Godot, Hugo Weaving and Andrew Upton began a conversation with the work of Samuel Beckett. With Endgame, they pick up where they left off.
The two plays are, in many respects, companion pieces – Endgame, completed in 1956, acts as a subterranean coda to Godot. Both were informed by the wholesale destruction of the Second World War and the sense of impending yet intangible doom promised by the nuclear age. If Godot redefined the possibilities of theatre, Endgame cemented Beckett’s place as the foremost playwright of his era.
In the text, Beckett’s singular voice rings clear – absurdity in the face of meaninglessness, sorrow in the face of futility, humour in the face of mortality. On the stage, the talents of Nick Schlieper and Max Lyandvert create a world on the precipice of extinction.
A world in which four people, perhaps the last, play out the game of life to its inevitable end.