Bangarra Dance Theatre presents

9 Jul 2015 to 11 Jul 2015

Bangarra takes you on a dance experience of Australia’s homelands, from the enigmatic waters of the Torres Strait Islands to the deeply rooted inland trees – celebrating the past, present and future. Presenting two brand new dance works, curated by Artistic Director Stephen Page, Bangarra Dance Theatre takes a fresh look at Indigenous stories tracing the silhouette of history and drawing on a sustainable future for its people.

Award-winning choreographer Frances Rings (RationsX300UnaiponArtefact, Terrain) unfolds the stories of She Oak – the Grandmother Tree. Rooted to the past, trunk to the present and branches to the future, this is a true silent witness to the experiences of Australia’s First Peoples.

Acclaimed Bangarra artists Deborah Brown and Waangenga Blanco join forces for the first time, inviting you to their homeland in the Torres Strait. As the tide comes in and out like years go by, modern day hunters, bright and infectious characters, transform domestic life from the salt water to the frozen section of the local I.B.I.S. supermarket store.
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Canberra Theatre Centre
Session TimesTicket PricesDuration
115 minutes includes interval