Everything new is old again
Judy is a picture-perfect ‘50s housewife. She spends her days making the perfect devilled eggs, mixing the perfect Screwdrivers and being the perfect homemaker to her husband Johnny. They’re totally happy with their pastel-hued life. The only problem is, it’s not the 1950s, it’s now, and Judy and Johnny’s dream world is starting to come apart at the perfectly sewed seams.
Originally planned for our 2020 season, Home, I’m Darling is an Olivier Award-winning play full of big skirts and even bigger questions. How can we cope with the pressures of modern life? What do we lose in the present when we pine for the past? And can you get stains out of a shirt with just lemon juice and baking soda? In a post-lockdown world playwright Laura Wade’s incisive and entertaining look at the reasons we shy away from the world feels all the more relevant.
Helmed by Resident Director Jessica Arthur (Wonnangatta) with an ensemble including Andrea Demetriades (Arms and the Man) and Anthony Taufa (How to Rule the World), this witty, highly-original and thought-provoking comedy takes a look at the complexity of women’s choices and the dangers of nostalgia through distinctly rose-coloured glasses.
“An amusing, affecting, inspiring evening of soft gingham and hard truths.” The Times UK
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