As a lapsed playwright, creator of the Offspring TV series, former Junior Champion Hypochondriac and a floundering novelist, what should Debra Oswald‘s next move be? And what motivates people to write or create more ‘stuff’ anyway? Shame? Fear of death? The hope of more sexual offers?
For now, Debra plans to seize control of the Griffin stage: the exact location she fell in love with theatre, aged 11, and the place her plays Mr Bailey’s Minder and The Peach Season came to life.
In a funny and excruciatingly honest one-woman show, Debra tells stories about her neurotic childhood, clumsy romantic history, and the anxieties and joys of the writer’s life—all in the hope that the audience can help her work out that ever-important question: what comes next? And having waited for this show to be staged since its original 2020 season… it’s kind of urgent.