The Hamlet Thrill-ma-geddon
Perform Australia presents
The Hamlet Thrill-Ma-Geddon (one act)

15 Jun 2022 to 17 Jun 2022

To sell out or not to sell out? Not really much of a question. After their budget is slashed, the drama club turns to Shakespeare's greatest tragedy to raise cash, but it's not tickets that are going to fund this year's show: 
It's sweet, sweet corporate sponsorship and mid-play commercial advertising. 
The sponsors demand changes in the stodgy old script, but who cares if Shakespeare never wrote musical numbers with back-up dancers or post-apocalyptic zombie battles? 
He's dead and he can't complain. Or sue. 

A lightning-quick, hilarious perversion of the greatest play in the English language.



Written by Don Zolidis

An Amateur Production By Arrangment with ORiGiN Theatrical, on behalf of Playscripts, Inc.

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Perform Australia Theatre
Session TimesTicket PricesDuration
60 minutes
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