This enchanting classic of children's literature is brought to life as a musical by composer Lucy Simon and the Pullitzer Prize-winning playwright, Marsha Norman. Orphaned in India, young Mary arrives in Yorkshire as the ward of her strange, embittered uncle, Archibald, who still longs for his long-dead wife. The huge empty house has a sad history, and holds a secret. Ghosts from Mary's past wander the halls and gardens, and many of the initial haunting melodies are sung by these spirits, or dreamers.Left largely alone, except for the company of Martha, a warm-hearted Yorkshire housemaid, Mary turns to the garden and grounds, making friends with the gardener, and a strange boy, Dickon, who can charm all manner of birds and creatures, shows her how to bring life to the neglected garden. When Mary meets her invalid cousin Colin, the children, both motherless, are a comfort to each other and become firm friends. Mary introduces Colin to Dickon, and the secret garden, and the children learn how to love and laugh again. The awakening of the garden in Spring is seen alongside the new life Mary brings to both Colin and his father and she is the instrument that brings them together in the touching finale.
Featuring many beautiful musical numbers, such as "Lily's Eyes", "I Heard Someone Crying", "Hold On" and "How Could I Ever Know?" this production will delight all members of the family.