By Beth Steel
Directed by Margaret Thanos
The world is about to change. But with every crisis comes opportunity…
1978 – Wall Street has been taken over by a new generation. The flood of petrodollars has elevated US banking to an indomitable position. Luxury hotel rooms, fine dining and attractive company is the life of those who jet around the globe selling loans to developing countries eager to borrow, and there are plenty – Mexico, Brazil, Argentina…
But the writing on the wall tells a different tale. It tells of the overwhelming recklessness of the banks, of borrowing countries struggling to repay their debts. And before long, an unthinkable nightmare starts to be made reality.
Dream Plane Productions – the team behind Fuente Ovejuna! and Ditch – bring you another chilling Australian Premiere from the mind of award-winning writer, Beth Steel.
As sharp-tongued as Succession but with a Lynchian descent into madness – Labyrinth is a surreal financial thriller that tries to make sense of one of the most catastrophic economic crises of modern history, which melted down banks, brought the world economy to the brink and unleashed devastation to an entire continent that lasted decades.
Matt Abotomey
Lib Campbell
Rachael Colquhoun-Fairweather
Richard Cox
Angus Evans
Tom Hanaee
Edric Hong
Patricio Ibarra
Brendan Miles
Tasha O'Brien
Camila Ponte-Alvarez
Diego Retamales
Movement Director/Cultural Consultant - Diana Paola Alvarado
Lighting Design - Jas Borsovszky
Producer - Alex Chambers
Sound Design - Sam Cheng
Producer - Angus Evans
Stage Manager - Amy Lawler
Director - Margaret Thanos
Assistant Director - Jess Zlotnick
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