Jo Dutton and Jodi Kopp  presents

12 Jul 2022 to 14 Jul 2022

Women still cannot escape uninvited commentary. Their body shape, attractiveness, intellect, loyalty and capabilities is constantly scrutinised. When they become mothers the pressure only increases.They want their daughters and all women to be free to make their own choices. But they do not want the price of freedom to be pain and suffering. Some men want to protect women. Some want to harm. All women want autonomy and mothers want their daughters to live as they wish. Scenes from ordinary lives are stitched through narrative, song and choreography to make a challenging theatre work. Cuttings’ takes a candle, a spotlight and a blowtorch to the dangers women face as they navigate the world and their relationships. It’s 2022 and somethings got to shift!

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Brown's Mart Theatre
Session TimesTicket PricesDuration
60 Minutes